「The Incovenient Truth」を巡る議論について

 はてなブックマークは役立つ話題のソースとして愛用している。本日の人気エントリーに上がっていた「天候問題は待ってくれるが、健康問題は待ってくれない」「アル・ゴアに不都合な真実」は昨年見たアル・ゴアが出演する映画に関する論議なので興味を持って読んだ。ブックマークされている記事ははてなの匿名ダイアリーに投稿された翻訳記事。Bjørn Lomborgと言う人による元原稿はこれ。
Bjorn Lomborg: Climate change can wait. World health can't | Opinion | The Guardian

 結論を先に述べる。この記事だけ読んでいてはバランスを欠きます。Bjørn Lomborgと言う人の議論は相当に危ないものがあるからです。
Bjørn Lomborgによる記事にはこう書かれている。

Currently, there is considerable momentum to ensure governments commit to combating climate change. Former US Vice-President Al Gore has turned movie-maker, creating a documentary called The Inconvenient Truth

Yet the really inconvenient truth, demonstrated by a group of economists who gathered in Denmark in 2004, is that combating climate change through the Kyoto Protocol has a social value of less than a dollar for each dollar spent. These economists, who included four Nobel laureates, took part in a project called the Copenhagen Consensus which compared the social value of solutions to different challenges facing humankind. The question that they strove to answer was: 'How could you spend $50bn to achieve the most good possible?'

「現在各国政府に対して地球温暖化に対して対策をとるよう盛んな運動が巻き起こっている。前の米国副大統領アル・ゴアは「The Inconvenient Truth」という映画を作った。




Copenhagen Consensus | Copenhagen Consensus Center

CCC is currently working with international entities to set priorities by using the Copenhagen Consensus process within organizations, countries and regions, and within specific policy areas. These projects will be disclosed as they become formalized.

The Center is headed by Bjørn Lomborg.




The countries represented were Angola, Australia, Belarus, Canada, China, Denmark, Germany, India, Iraq, Mexico, Niger, Pakistan, Poland, Republic of Korea, Slovenia, Somalia, Tanzania, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Uganda, USA, Vietnam, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Bjorn Lomborg of the Copenhagen Consensus Center.

 主に南アジア、アフリカが多い。各国の外交官"senior diplomats "が参加したように述べられているが国を代表しての参加ではなさそうだ*2。そして議長はBjorn Lomborg自身がつとめている。


The UN Perspective gathering extended work first begun two years ago. At the first meeting of the Copenhagen Consensus project, in Copenhagen in 2004, a group of internationally renowned economists examined detailed submissions and presentations by expert contributors and discussants across ten challenge areas: climate change, communicable diseases, conflicts and arms proliferation, education, financial instability, governance and corruption, malnutrition and hunger, migration, sanitation and clean water, and subsidies and trade barriers. In each of these areas, specific policy opportunities were proposed and analyzed. The panel concluded by endorsing an ordered list of priorities for action, answering the hypothetical question, if the international community had an additional $50 billion to devote to new initiatives, how should that money be spent? (For further details of Copenhagen Consensus 2004, see www.copenhagenconsensus.com)



Copenhagen Consensus - Wikipedia

