Error bars in experimental biology


Geoff Cumming, Fiona Fidler, and David L. Vaux
Published online 9 April 2007
The Journal of Cell Biology, Vol. 177, No. 1, 7-11

 数値データの扱いに関するガイドライン。エラーバーがStandard Deviation (SD), Standard Error (SE), Confidence Interval (CI)のどれに対応するかでデータの読み方が違うことを丁寧に解説。統計学に疎い生物学者は必読。


Replicates or independent samples―what is n?
Science typically copes with the wide variation that occurs in nature by measuring a number (n) of independently sampled individuals, independently conducted experiments, or independent observations.

Rule 2: the value of n (i.e., the sample size, or the number of independently performed experiments) must be stated in the figure legend.


Similarly, a number of replicate cell cultures can be made by pipetting the same volume of cells from the same stock culture into adjacent wells of a tissue culture plate, and subsequently treating them identically. Although it would be possible to assay the plate and determine the means and errors of the replicate wells, the errors would reflect the accuracy of pipetting, not the reproduciblity of the differences between the experimental cells and the control cells. For replicates, n = 1, and it is therefore inappropriate to show error bars or statistics.

If an experiment involves triplicate cultures, and is repeated four independent times, then n = 4, not 3 or 12. The variation within each set of triplicates is related to the fidelity with which the replicates were created, and is irrelevant to the hypothesis being tested.



  1. 測定方法を正確にしてデータ数(N)を増やすこと。力業になることが多いがこれには本論文の指摘は参考になる。
  2. ただし大事なことは測定を始める以前に大事な事はどの現象のどの部分を測定すれば仮説を支持するに足りる信頼度の高いデータになりうるかと言うことを見極めること。その点をよく考えずにむやみにデータ数を増やしても力と時間の無駄遣いになることがある。
  3. 私のやり方はまず少数のサンプルに対して様々な測定を行ってからどの方法が最適化を決定する。その後本格的な計測に入る。
  4. もう一点は複数の異なるデザインの実験で多角的な視点から仮説を検討すること。個々のデータの信頼度は極端に高くなくとも独立な方法で繰り返し支持される事で仮説の信頼度は上がる。これには柔軟なアイデアで実験をデザインする能力が求められる。
